Bioenergy Key Facts Bioenergy Bioenergy (including traditional use of biomass) is the largest renewable energy source, accounting for 12.6% of overall energy consumption in 2020. Globally, most of the use of bioenergy was for heating. Global production of liquid biofuels totalled 162 billion litres in 2021, providing 3.6% of the overall energy use in the transport sector. In 2022, 672 terawatt-hours (TWh) of electricity was generated from a wide variety of biomass feedstock, with the share in overall electricity generation at 2.4%. Total installed bio-power capacity was 149 gigawatts (GW) in 2022. Bioenergy, or energy derived from biomass, is a versatile renewable energy source with a multitude of feedstocks, technological pathways and end-uses. 1 Predominant feedstocks include residues from forest harvesting and processing (e.g., fuelwood, wood chips, sawdust), energy crops, wastes and residues from the agriculture sector (e.g., paddy straw, rice husk, animal waste) and the renewable share of municipal solid waste. 2 This feedstock can be converted through a variety of biological, chemical and thermal processes to produce electricity, heat, cooling, and transport fuels, as well as materials and chemicals. 3 The use of biomass for energy can be broadly classified into traditional and modern bioenergy. Traditional bioenergy typically involves the direct combustion of biomass such as wood, charcoal, cow dung and crop waste in inefficient appliances such as open-fired cook stoves. Such use occurs mainly in developing countries and produces household air pollution that is harmful to human health. 4 However, modern sustainable bioenergy – the use of improved fuels (e.g., pellets, wood chips, ethanol, biogas, biomethane, etc.) in modern equipment – will play an important role in mitigating climate change. 5 Bioenergy is the largest renewable energy source globally, as it provides heat, electricity and fuels for transport. 6 In 2020 (latest data available), the gross final energy consumption of bioenergy was 45.6 exajoules (EJ), accounting for 12.6% of total energy consumption. 7 The use of modern bioenergy for industry, buildings, transport, agriculture and power was 20.6 EJ, representing 5.7% of total energy consumption. 8 (See Figure 13.) Globally, most bioenergy is used for heat. In 2020, modern bioenergy provided 14.9 EJ of heat (industry 66%, buildings 31% and agriculture 3%), which accounted for 23.4% of all heat consumption. 9 In transport, consumption of liquid and gaseous biofuels was 3.8 EJ, providing 3.6% of all renewable energy in the transport sector. 10 The electricity sector consumed 1.9 EJ of biomass, or 2.3% of energy use in that sector. 11 Overall, bioenergy represented a renewable energy share of around 45% in global total final energy consumption in 2020, down from 54% in 2010. 12 During 2010-2020, the global final energy consumption of bioenergy increased from 29 EJ to 45 EJ, rising 4.4% annually. 13 FIGURE 13.Share of Bioenergy in Total Final Energy Consumption, 2020 Source: See endnote 8 for this section. Bioheat Globally, traditional use of biomass accounts for more than half of all bioenergy use, mainly in emerging economies in Asia and Africa where it is used largely for cooking and indoor heating. 14 Under scenarios for net zero greenhouse gas emissions, the use of traditional biomass would need to be phased out by 2030. 15 Renewable alternatives include modern bioenergy technologies such as biogas, ethanol and processed biomass such as pellets and briquettes. 16 In 2020, modern forms of bioenergy produced 1.2 EJ of derived heat, for example in combined heat and power (CHP) plants and heat-only plants. 17 Half of this production was from solid biomass sources such as wood chips and wood pellets, while waste-to-energy accounted for around 45% and biogas for 4.3%. 18 Heat production from solid biomass nearly tripled globally during 2010-2020. 19 The Primary energy supply of bioenergy increased 17% during 2010–2020. The buildings sector used an estimated 29 EJ of bioenergy in 2020, of which 4.9 EJ was modern biomass for energy (including district heating networks); this accounted for 5% of total final energy consumption. 20 (See Figure 13.) In industry, biomass provided 9.9 EJ of renewable heat, or 11% of the overall heat demand. 21 The use of bioheat in industry increased 36% between 2010 and 2020. 22 Industries such as consumer goods, breweries, pharmaceuticals and bakeries are replacing their use of fossil fuels (mainly coal and fossil gas) for producing hot water and steam with renewables such as biogas, pellets and briquettes. 23 In 2022, Heineken opened the largest biomass plant in Cambodia to provide thermal energy to its brewery in Phnom Penh. 24 District heating is an efficient way to transfer heat around the clock from a large central plant to domestic and commercial establishments via underground pipes, leading to improved energy efficiency, reduced emissions, fuel flexibility and reduced costs. 25 District heating accounted for 8% of overall heat demand in 2021. 26 However, more than 90% of the district heating was from fossil fuels, mainly coal in China and fossil gas in the Russian Federation. 27 In Europe, waste feedstock was used for most district heating, with Denmark, Sweden, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia leading the way. 28 In Vilnius, Lithuania, a new CHP plant using municipal waste and biomass will be able to provide 40% of the required heat for the city while reduce heating costs by 20%. 29 In Sweden, district heating in buildings amounted to 43.1 terawatt-hours (TWh) (0.16 EJ) in 2020, accounting for 58% of all energy consumption in residential and commercial buildings. 30 As much as 80% of Sweden's district heat production in CHP plants was from biomass sources, including wood briquettes and pellets, wood chips, sawdust, biogas and municipal waste. 31 In 2022, Egypt announced plans for the country's first waste-to-energy plant. 32 Europe accounts for 90% of all bioheat produced from municipal waste, solid biofuels and biogas. 33 In 2021, the region produced 0.55 EJ of bioheat from solid biofuels; 61% of this was in highly efficient CHP plants and the rest in heat-only plants. 34 Bioheat demand in Europe grew 16% in 2021. 35 Sweden, Finland and Denmark accounted for 50% of the heat production from biomass in Europe that year. 36 Renewable municipal waste provided 0.13 EJ of heat, mainly in CHP plants, with Germany and Sweden accounting for half of this production. 37 For biogas, gross heat production totalled 0.04 EJ, and one-third of this heat was blended into fossil gas grids. 38 Italy and Germany accounted for 63% of the biogas heat, with Germany producing 70% of all biogas heat in gas grids. 39 A critical end-use for bioenergy is clean cooking. As of 2020, around 3 billion people (30% of the global population) did not have access to clean cooking solutions and relied on traditional biomass use in inefficient cook stoves (in Sub-Saharan Africa, access is even lower, at 17%). 40 Modern and renewable solutions include bottled ethanol, distributed solar, pellet gasifiers and electric pressure cookers. 41 The share of people with access to clean cooking solutions increased 9 percentage points during 2010-2020. 42 In 2020, according to an industry survey of 60 companies, sales of biomass stoves (including biogas) accounted for 90% of the total clean cooking sales revenue. 43 At an estimated USD 26 million, this was well below the USD 8 billion per year required for universal access to clean cooking. 44 biofuels offer a solution to replacing fossil oil in the transport sector. > In 2020, biofuels accounted for 3.6% of total energy use in the sector. 46 Transport biofuels are produced mainly from sugar or starch crops such as sugar cane, maize, cassava and cereals; oil crops such as rapeseed, soybean and oil palm; and, more recently, used cooking oil and animal fats. Through various production pathways, these feedstocks can be converted to bioethanol, biodiesel, hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO) and fuels for maritime transport and aviation (sustainable aviation fuels, or SAF). Gaseous fuels such as biomethane, produced by upgrading biogas, are also used in road transport. 47 The biofuels are typically blended with petrol or diesel when used in road transport. Current blends generally range from E5 (5% ethanol in petrol) and B7 (7% biodiesel in diesel) to ambitions for E20 (India) and B35 (Indonesia). 48 Higher blends also are possible with existing ED95 and B100, which are typically used in heavy-duty transport and with a modified diesel engine. 49 In 2021, global production of liquid biofuels totalled 162 billion litres (4.06 EJ). 50 (See Figure 14.) Bioethanol production totalled an estimated 106 billion litres (2.24 EJ), accounting for two-thirds of global biofuel production. 51 Biodiesel accounted for 28% of global production, at 45.7 billion litres (1.49 EJ), followed by HVO (renewable diesel) at almost 10 billion litres (0.33 EJ). 52 Despite intense focus and significant opportunities, biojet (SAF) production remains at an early stage of market development, with 150 million litres produced in 2022. 53 FIGURE 14.Global Production of Ethanol, Biodiesel and HVO/HEFA Fuel, by Energy Content, 2011-2021 Source: See endnote 50 for this section. Demand for liquid biofuels grew 4.6% in 2021 as transport restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic were eased, leading to a massive increase in fuel demand for all end-use sectors, especially aviation. 54 Biodiesel production increased 4.3%, followed by bioethanol production at a modest rate of 2.2%. 55 Renewable diesel production grew 44%, and biojet production doubled in 2021. 56 Ethanol is the largest biofuel produced globally and accounted for 66% of total biofuel production in 2021. 57 The United States is the world's largest ethanol producer, followed by Brazil; together, they produced more than 80% of the global total in 2021. 58 The primary ethanol feedstock in the United States is corn (maize), while in Brazil it is sugar cane. The most common US blend is E10, which is available in every state, and efforts are under way to increase the blend to E15 in certain midwestern states such as Iowa, Illinois and Minnesota. 59 In Brazil, the current blending mandate is 27%, and policies such as Renovabio aim to further expand the use of biofuels to reduce the carbon intensity of transport. 60 In the European Union (EU), the share of ethanol in transport was 6.8% by volume in 2021, with E5 contributing to the bulk of the petrol market (although E10 is increasing gradually). 61 Major hurdles for the expansion of liquid biofuels in the region include recent legislation that curtails the qualification of crop biofuels for renewable energy targets; declining petrol demand; and discussions surrounding the phase-out of internal combustion engines. 62 In Asia, China is one of the largest producers of ethanol, with estimated production of 12 billion litres in 2022, mainly via maize and rice kernels. 63 A planned nationwide blending mandate of 10% by 2020 was not met, with the blend rate reaching only 1.8% as of 2022. 64 In India, in contrast, implementation of the Ethanol Blended Petrol programme led to the achievement of E10 in 2022. 65 The Indian government has announced a target of E20 to be achieved by 2025. 66 Apart from crop-based biofuels, ethanol can be produced from cellulosic sources such as wheat straw. Commercialisation of cellulosic ethanol facilities is ongoing, although major projects have faced technical, supply chain and economic issues. 67 Even so, there is renewed interest, with new projects being announced in Brazil, India and Romania. 68 Conventional biodiesel, commonly referred to as FAME (fatty acid methyl ester) biodiesel, uses common vegetable oils (palm, soy, peanut, rapeseed) for conversion via transesterification to produce a renewable substitute to diesel in road transport. In 2021, biodiesel represented 28% of total biofuel production. 69 The EU is a leader in FAME biodiesel – producing an estimated 12 billion litres in 2021 – and accounts for 7.8% of the diesel demand, with rapeseed being the dominant feedstock. 70 France, German and Spain contribute 62% of the region's FAME biodiesel production. 71 Asia has experienced rapid growth in biodiesel production, driven mainly by expanding mandates in Southeast Asian countries. Indonesia, the world's top palm oil producer, announced plans to increase its biodiesel blending mandate to B35 starting in 2023. 72 In 2020, Malaysia announced a goal of B20, but the roll-out was delayed due to issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic and to an uncertain political situation. 73 Thailand postponed its proposed B10 mandate and is instead focusing on B7 due to surging feedstock prices. 74 Hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO), or renewable diesel, relies on similar feedstock as biodiesel, although there is a marked difference in the production technology and product characteristics. 75 HVO is produced via hydro processing of oils and fats, resulting in a drop-in fuel that is fully compatible with existing fossil fuel infrastructure. 76 Neste accounts for an estimated 40% of all production globally, with refineries in Finland, the Netherlands, and Singapore, and other major oil companies such as BP, Eni and Total also are investing in HVO. 77 Production of HVO or renewable diesel increased by 66 times during 2010–2020. Biomethane (upgraded biogas) is another option for decarbonising transport and other sectors via injection into fossil gas grids. Promising markets include the EU, the United States and an emerging sector in Brazil. 78 In Sweden, 281 plants produced 2.3 TWh of biogas in 2021, out of which 67% was upgraded to biomethane. 79 Seventy percent of it was used for transport. 80 Total global biomethane production in 2020 was around 5 billion cubic metres, accounting for 0.1% of global fossil gas consumption. 81 Incentives in the US Inflation Reduction Act as well as the EU target of producing 35 billion cubic metres of biomethane by 2030 are expected to further increase production. 82 Aviation is expected to be a significant market for biofuels consumption. Due to limited other options for replacing fossil fuels (such as electrification), especially for long-haul flights, sustainable liquid biofuels offer a potential solution. 83 International agreements in the aviation sector target reducing greenhouse gas emissions 50% by 2050. 84 However, current SAF production levels are very low, at an estimated 150 million litres in 2022, representing only 0.03% of global jet fuel demand. 85 Although numerous pathways exist for producing SAF – such as alcohol-to-jet, gasification, Fischer-Tropsch, pyrolysis oil and power-to-liquid – there is currently only one commercial production route (HEFA). 86 The main challenges for commercial SAF production are supply chains and higher production costs relative to fossil jet fuel; however, recent legislation such as the US Inflation Reduction Act could drive major growth in the sector. 87 The Inflation Reduction Act aims to produce 3 billion gallons (11.4 billion litres) of SAF by 2030 and offers tax credits for SAF biofuels. 88 The EU also has introduced SAF targets via the REFuelEU initiative. 89 Maritime transport accounts for 2-3% of global greenhouse gas emissions and for 80% of the international trade of goods. 90 In 2018, the International Maritime Organization announced targets for reducing the carbon intensity of the sector 40% by 2030 and 70% by 2050, as well as limits on the sulphur content of the fuels used. 91 Compared to the aviation sector, which faces strict fuel regulations due to safety, the maritime sector has several options including electrification and biofuels. In 2020, global production of biofuels in the sector totalled an estimated 30,000 tonnes of used cooking oil, biofuels, and biogas, supplying roughly 0.01% of global maritime fuel consumption. 92 Critical barriers to growth include pricing, sustainability and supply chain infrastructure. 93 Figure 15.Global Bioelectricity Installed Capacity, by Region, 2012-2022 Source: See endnote 100 for this section. Bio-powerBio-power involves the production of electricity from biomass feedstock. The capacities vary from large-scale stand-alone power facilities of more than 100 megawatts (MW) to small-scale biomass plants of around 100 kilowatts (kW). 94 In 2022, 672 TWh of electricity was generated from a wide variety of feedstocks. 95 Production of electricity from biomass grew slightly at 0.8%, while the share in overall electricity generation remained the same at 2.4%. 96 As of 2020, 70% of the electricity was produced from solid biomass sources from both forest and agriculture sectors, such as wood pellets, wood chips and sugarcane bagasse. 97 Urban municipal and industrial waste generated 113 TWh (16%) of electricity, while biogas generated 90 TWh (13%). 98 Installed bio-power capacity reached an estimated 149 GW in 2022, or just over 4% of total renewable power capacity. 99 Bio-power capacity increased 5% in 2022, one of its slowest rates of year-on-year growth in the last decade. 100 (See Figure 15.) China had the largest installed bio-power capacity, with 34 GW, followed by Brazil (17 GW), the United States (11 GW) and India (10 GW). 101 China alone accounts for more than one-quarter (26%) of the global electricity production from biomass, with generation of 172 TWh in 2022 – mainly from forest and agricultural biomass as well as municipal solid waste. 102 In Brazil, the bioenergy share (mainly from sugarcane bagasse) in electricity generation reached an estimated 8.6% in 2022. 103 During 2022, electricity generation from biomass increased in Asian countries such as Japan (up 19%), the Republic of Korea (up 24%) and India (up 3%), driven by incentives such as feed-in tariffs, renewable energy certificates and mandates for co-firing biomass with coal. 104 India is expected to be a major player in biomass electricity generation due to an upcoming policy to co-fire 5% (and higher) of biomass in thermal power plants. 105 Although India used only 83,066 tonnes in 2022, financial incentives for processing biomass could generate new supply to meet this demand. 106 Biomass electricity generation fell 10% in the United Kingdom, reflecting outages at some key installations. 107 Bioelectricity and bioheat increased by 90% and 70%, respectively, between 2010 and 2020. In Europe, bio-power generation from solid biofuels (excluding charcoal) grew 12% in 2021 to reach 93 TWh. 108 Crucially, 87% of the power generated was compliant with the sustainability criteria laid out in EU regulations, and most of the solid biomass used (96.5%) was of European origin. 109 In 2021, Finland, Sweden and Germany were the region's top producers, accounting for 37% of production. 110 However, debates have arisen around the revision of the EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED 3) and the inclusion of primary woody biomass feedstocks in subsidies and targets for renewables. 111 In recent discussions, the renewable energy target was raised to at least 42.5% by 2030, while strengthening the biomass sustainability criteria in line with EU climate and biodiversity ambitions. 112 One of the most prominent and fastest growing biomass commodities is wood pellets. In 2022, global production totalled 44 million tonnes. 113 (See Figure 16.) The largest producer was the United States, followed by Vietnam, which recently took second place. 114 Despite the loss of pellet supply from the Russian Federation and Belarus due to the war in Ukraine, the international market is expected to expand globally due to proposed upgrades of US plants and new facilities in Southeast Asia and South America. 115 Major consumers include the EU (both commercial power generation and domestic heating) and Japan (mainly power). 116 FIGURE 16.Global Wood Pellet Production, by Region, 2012-2021 Source: See endnote 113 for this section. Market Developments Geothermal Power and Heat International Energy Agency (IEA), “Bioenergy – Analysis”, 2022, IEA Bioenergy, “Bioenergy, a Sustainable Solution”,, accessed April 4, 2023.2 IEA, “Technology Roadmap: Delivering Sustainable Bioenergy”, 2017, World Health Organization, “Household Air Pollution”,, accessed April 4, 2023.4 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, “FAQs Chapter 6 – Special Report on Climate Change and Land”,, accessed April 4, 2023.5 IEA, “Bioenergy – Fuels & Technologies”,, accessed April 4, 2023.6 IEA, op. cit. note 1.7 Figure 13 from IEA, "Energy Statistics Data Browser – Data Tools”,, accessed April 4, 2023.8 Ibid.9 Ibid.10 Ibid.11 Ibid.12 Ibid.13 International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), “Bioenergy and Biofuels”,, accessed April 4, 2023.14 IEA, op. cit. note 1. 15 A. Nyambane et al., “Ethanol as a Clean Cooking Alternative in Sub-Saharan Africa: Insights from Sugarcane Production and Ethanol Adoption Sites in Malawi and Mozambique”, in A. 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PxWeb”,, accessed April 4, 2023.31 Egypt Independent, “Egypt Establishes Its 1st Plant to Convert Waste into Energy”, EurObserv'ER, “Solid Biofuels Barometer 2022”, December 22, 2022, Ibid.34 Ibid.35 Ibid.36 Ibid.37 Ibid.38 Ibid.39 World Bank, “Access to Clean Fuels and Technologies for Cooking (% of Population)”,, accessed April 4, 2023; Sustainable Energy for All, “Clean Cooking”,, accessed April 4, 2023; IEA, “Access to Clean Cooking – SDG7: Data and Projections – Analysis”, 2019, KOKO Networks,, accessed April 4, 2023; Solar Cookers International, “Why Solar Cooking”,, accessed April 4, 2023; SupaMoto,, accessed April 4, 2023; World Bank, “Infographic – Modern Energy Cooking Services”, 2020, See sources in endnote 40. 42 Clean Cooking Alliance, “Annual Report 2022”, 2022, Clean Cooking Alliance, “To Stop Climate Catastrophe, Invest in Clean Cooking: Exploring the Lack of Funding – and Signs of Progress – in the Industry”, 2019, European Commission, “Biofuels”,, accessed April 4, 2023.45 IEA, op. cit. note 8.46 European Biogas, “Biomethane in Transport”, 2019, Fuel Identifiers, “Fuel Labelling for Road Vehicles”, 2021,; European Commission, “EU Fuel Labelling: Clearer Information for Consumers and Operators”,, accessed April 4, 2023; NITI Aayog, “Expert Committee on Roadmap for Ethanol Blending in India by 2025”,, accessed April 4, 2023; B. 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