Peer Review has started!
REN21’s annual Renewables Global Status Report (GSR) is the most referenced report on renewable energy market, industry and policy trends. What you may not know is that producing the GSR is a collaborative effort, involving hundreds of stakeholders from our international community of experts. And we value your input!
Peer Review Round 2 for the GSR 2021 begins on 1 April! The process will run until 12 April. This year’s GSR will continue reflecting our growing focus on renewable energy in the end-use sectors of buildings, industry and transport, and our 2021 feature chapter will be on the role of business for transitioning to renewables.
How to access the draft report?
We invite you to comment directly on the draft which can be accessed through our collaborative platform, REN21+ at You may need to create a new user account if you have never signed in before. The instructions for the peer review tool here can guide you in the process.
Please feel free to focus on the sections most closely aligned with your specific knowledge and expertise. The review draft includes the following sections:
- Global Overview
- Market and Industry Trends (Bioenergy, Geothermal, Hydropower, Ocean Power, Solar PV, Concentrating Solar Thermal Power, Solar Thermal, Wind Power)
- Investment
- Distributed Renewables for Energy Access
- Feature on Business Demand for Renewables
- Enabling Technologies (Heat Pumps, Electric Vehicles, Energy Storage).
In addition to the report draft, the Policy Reference Tables are also open for review. This can be accessed through the same link and is split up policy type. Please support us in making this tables complete by checking if countries/region are missing and identifying information that needs to be updated.
Please note that this is the only opportunity you will have to comment on these specific chapters or sections before the release of the final report.
The peer review period will last 12 days, until 12 April 2021.
If you have any questions or require any assistance in accessing the draft, please do not hesitate to contact us at
We really appreciate the time our reviewers set aside to review the report! The GSR is a community effort, and your thoughts and feedback contribute to ensuring the report is robust. As always, all reviewers will be acknowledged in the final report.
Share this with your colleagues
Please consider sharing our Peer Review Media Kit with the communications teams in the organisations you are connected with. We would love to engage people who are outside of our network to develop greater diversity, which strengthens the quality of the report.
One more thing, do you have any photos?
Finally, we are always looking for new photos to include in GSR 2021 and to be used on our social media. If you have any photos of renewable energy projects, in your community or further afield, please send them to us! Don’t forget to include project details (e.g. name, type, capacity, location, developer) and copyright information for each picture. You can send the image and details to us at