Peer Review (round 1) for the Renewables 2020 Global Status Report (GSR 2020) begins today (13 January) and runs until 26 January. This year’s GSR reflects our growing focus on the heating and cooling and transport sectors; the Feature chapter will be on citizen support for renewables.
REN21’s annual Renewables Global Status Report (GSR) is the most referenced report on renewable energy market, industry and policy trends. What you may not know is that producing the GSR is a collaborative effort, involving hundreds of stakeholders from our international community of experts.
The review draft includes the usual GSR chapters* which we’ve significantly revamped or expanded for the 2020 edition:
• Policy Landscape and policy tables
• Energy Efficiency
• Energy Systems Integration and Enabling Technologies
• Distributed Renewables for Energy Access (DREA)
There is also a questionnaire that focuses specifically on policies related to energy access, so please share your knowledge on this topic with us.
The review process runs for two weeks: 13-26 January. We would really appreciate it if you could set aside some time to contribute to this process – even if it just 30 minutes.
Your thoughts and feedback contribute to ensuring a robust report. As always, all reviewers will be acknowledged in the final report.
The draft chapters and DREA questionnaire can be accessed via our peer review tool, REN21+. Instructions for how to use this tool are here.
Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.
*Note on the peer review process:
• This will be the only opportunity to comment on these specific chapters; they will not be included in the second peer review round.
• Remaining chapters and sidebars will be available for comment during the Round 2 Review, late March/early April 2019.