In partnership or working independently, REN21 works with the renewables community to publish thematic reports on issues related to the uptake of renewables globally. Since 2011, REN21’s thematic reports have covered themes such as: renewables in transport, renewables in heating and cooling, mini-grid policy, and citizen engagement in grid infrastructure planning, to name a few.
Renewable Energy and Sustainability Report
The REN21 Renewables and Sustainability Report (RESR) builds on a yearlong research and consultative process among a wide range of stakeholders across sectors. It provides a “recipe” to scale up renewables in ways that maximise their benefits and mitigates their potential negative impacts....
Ambition on renewables in the G20 (2022)
This report looks into the relationship between high electricity consuming countries in the G20, and the pace of progress in renewable electricity deployment, corporate procurement and investment opportunities....
Policy Brief: 7 Actions for Public Transport to Advance Renewables (2021)
This brief proposes actions and solutions that can accelerate the path to achieve net zero and carbon neutral goals through the connection between renewable energy and public transport. This brief is for public transport authorities, public transport operators, urban planners and anyone interested in advancing renewables in public transport...
Citizen Power for Grids (2021)
The report called Citizen Power for Grids: Case studies on collaborative infrastructure planning processes for the energy transition provides an overview of how civil society can play an influential and necessary role in grid planning processes....
Renewable Energy Policies in a Time of Transition: Heating and Cooling (2020)
A systematic transition supported by effective and ambitious policies is urgently needed to unlock the widespread benefits offered by using renewable energy in heating and cooling. In this context, IRENA, IEA and REN21 have joined forces again to produce a report on the status and developments of policies for renewable...
Renewable Energy Pathways in Road Transport (2020)
A rapid and fundamental shift is required in transport to enable the decarbonisation, with actors in both the energy and transport sectors working together. To that end, REN21 teamed up with the FIA Foundation to do an in-depth study and provide high-level guidance on achieving decarbonisation in transport....
Towards Decarbonising Transport (2018)
CO2 emissions from transport are still rising. If immediate action is not taken, more radical measures will be unavoidable in the future....
Renewable Energy Policies in a Time of Transition (2018)
In the past decade the world has seen unexpectedly fast progress in the renewable energy field with improved technologies and decreased prices. Such an advancement comes with challenges in the policy landscape. For the first time IEA, IRENA and REN21 have joined forces to produce Renewable Energy Policies in a...
Renewable Energy Tenders and Community [Em]power[ment]: Latin America and the Caribbean (2017)
Renewable Energy Tenders and Community [Em]power[ment]: Latin America and the Caribbean, looks at the interface between the tendering process and the role that communities can play in renewable energy uptake in the Latin American and the Caribbean region....
The First Decade: 2004-2014
The First Decade: 2004-2014 documents the evolution of renewables since 2004 measuring progress by technology and by region, ending with a look at lessons learnt and offering a vision for the future....
Mini-grid Policy Toolkit (2014)
The Mini-grid Policy Toolkit is for policy makers to navigate the mini-grid policy design process. It contains information on mini-grid operator models, the economics of mini-grids, and necessary policy and regulation that must be considered for successful implementation....
True Cost of Electric Power (2012)
In energy markets across the world, market prices for fossil fuels are often lower than the prices of energy generated from renewable sources, such as solar, wind, and biofuels. These market prices, however, don’t take into account the “true costs” of the energy......
Global Status Report on Local Renewable Energy Policies (2011)
City and local governments can play a key role in encouraging renewable energy at the local level. The multiple roles of these local governments–as decision-makers, planning authorities, managers of municipal infrastructure, and role models for citizens and businesses–are crucial to the global transition to renewable energy now underway....