REN21 and its partners regularly hold panel discussion and debates, where panelists and participants engage on a particular topic or theme. Data and information from REN21 reports often provide the starting point for discussion. Several tenants underpin these events:
– Freedom of expression
REN21 partners are invited to express themselves freely and share their ideas, suggestions and proposals for how to make the energy transition a reality– no matter their stage of development.
– Fairness and respect
These discussion spaces are designed to be fair and respectful. The aim is to help facilitate a sometimes provocative but always productive exchange between participants.
– Diversity of opinions
These exchanges are a real opportunity for freedom of expression and intellectual exchange. By thinking and discussing collectively we can co-develop solutions that can make real change and strengthen engagement by those who are affected by these changes.
REN21 acts as a catalyst for these debates. The debates help bring players together in an inclusive and collaborative environment to discuss together how to move forward to achieve a renewable energy transition.